The Sanguine Temperament: Overcoming Body Image and Fitness Challenges

by | Aug 6, 2024





Many Catholic leaders have acknowledged the four classical temperaments: sanguine, choleric, melancholic, and phlegmatic.  Each temperament has its unique characteristics, strengths, and weaknesses.  Let’s explore the sanguine temperament (Tigger) and offer insights into overcoming challenges related to body image and fitness.  By understanding their nature and applying practical strategies rooted in faith and psychology, individuals with a sanguine temperament can cultivate a healthier self-image and approach to fitness.


The Sanguine Temperament: An Overview

Characteristics of the Sanguine Temperament

The sanguine temperament is often described as lively, sociable, carefree, talkative, and pleasure-seeking.  Here are some key characteristics:

  • Optimistic and Enthusiastic: Sanguines are known for their positive outlook on life.  They are naturally joyful and find pleasure in everyday experiences.
  • Sociable and Charismatic: They thrive in social settings and are often the life of the party, easily making friends and engaging others.
  • Spontaneious and Creative: Sanguines tend to be impulsive and enjoy new experiences.  Their artistic and problem-solving endeavors.
  • Sensitive to Pleasure: They often seek out experiences that bring them joy.
  • Emotionally Expressive: Sanguine are open with their feelings and are generally warm and loving individuals.

Strengths and Weaknesses


  • Energetic and lively, bringing joy to those around them.
  • Naturally empathetic, making them excellent friends and companions.
  • Highly adaptable and able to find joy in various situations.


  • Difficulty with self-discipline, particularly in maintaining routines.
  • Prone to vanity and a desire for attention, which can affect their self-image.
  • May struggle with perseverance in tasks requiring long-term commitment.

The Sanguine Temperament & Body Image

Understanding Body Image Concerns

Body image refers to the way individuals perceive their physical appearance and how they believe others perceive them.  For those with a sanguine temperament, body image issues can be particularly challenging due to their sociable nature and sensitivity to external validation.

Common Body Image Challenges for Sanguines

  • Desire for Approval: Sanguines often seek validation from others leading to overemphasis on appearance.
  • Sensitivity to Criticism: Negative comments about their appearance can deeply affect their self-esteem.
  • Comparative Mindset: In social settings, they may compare themselves to others, leading to dissatisfaction with their own bodies.
  • Tendency to Neglect Health for Pleasure: The focus on pleasurable experiences can sometimes result in neglecting healthy lifestyle choices.

The Catholic Perspective on Body Image

From a Catholic perspective, body image is closely tied to the concept that the human body as a temple of the Holy Spirit.  The Church encourages individuals to respect and care for their bodies while recognizing that true beauty is more than skin deep.  The Catechism of the Catholic Church teaches that self-respect is rooted in recognizing one”s dignity as a creation in the image and likeness of God.

Key Principles:

  • Dignity of the Human Body: Every person is created in the image of God, and their body is worthy of respect and care.
  • Inner Beauty: True beauty is found in virtues such as kindness, humility, and love.
  • Stewardship of the Body: Maintaining health and fitness is a way to honor God’s creation.

Overcoming Body Image Challenges

  1. Embrace Your Unique Beauty: Recognizing that each person is uniquely crafted by God, and diversity in appearance reflects the beauty of creation.  Sanguines should focus on embracing individual beauty rather than comparing themselves to societal standards.
  2. Shift Focus to Inner Qualities: Cultive virtues and inner qualities to reflect true beauty.  Engage in activities that foster spiritual growth and moral character, such as prayer, meditation, and acts of kindness.
  3. Practice Gratitude: Adopt a mindset of gratitude for the body’s abilities rather than its perceived shortcomings.  Keep a gratitude journal to regularly reflect on what you appreciate about your body and health.
  4. Seek Health Role Models: Surround yourself with individuals who exhibit a healthy attitude towards body image.  Choose role models who prioritize health and self-respect over superficial beauty.

The Sanguine Temperament & Fitness

Fitness Challenges for Sanguines

The sanguine’s desires for pleasure and social interaction can sometimes conflict with maintaining a consisten fitness routine.  Here are some common challenges:

  • Inconsistency: The spontaneous nature of sanguines can lead to irregular workout habits.
  • Boredom: Traditional workouts might seem monotonous, leading to a lack of motivation.
  • Overindulgence: A penchant for pleasure can result in unhealthy eating or neglect of exercise.

Strategies for Fitness Success

  1. Find Enjoyable Activites: Sanguines should engage in fitness activities that are enjoyable and sociable.  Options might include fitness classes, dance, team sports, or outdoor adventures that allow them to socialize while exercising.
  2. Set Short-Term Goals: Breaking down fitness goals into manageable, short-term objectives can help sanguines maintain focus and achieve success without feeling overwhelmed.
  3. Incorporate Variety: Prevent boredome by incorporating a variety of exercises into your routine.  Try new classes, sports, or workout regimens regularly to keep things exciting.
  4. Use Social Motivation: Leverage your social nature by involving friends or family in your fitness journey.  Join fitness groups or find a workout buddy to keep you motivated and accountable.
  5. Balance Pleasure and Discipline: While it’s important to enjoy your fitness journey, balance is key.  Establisch routines that incorporate enjoyable activities and structure exercise to ensure long-term health benefits.

Spiritual Practices for Sanguines

Integrating Faith and Fitness

For sanguines, integrating spiritual practices into their fitness journey can provide a deeper sense of purpose and motivation.  Here are some ways to combine faith and fitness:

  1. Prayer and Meditation: Incorporate prayer or meditation into your fitness routine.  Start or end your workouts with a moment of reflection, offering gratitude for your body and seeking strength for your journey.
  2. Mindful Exercise: Engage in mindful exercise, focusing on the present moment and the sensations of ryour body as you move.  Practing some stretching exercises and breathing exercises, for example, can be particularly beneficial for cultivating mindfulness.
  3. Offer Your Efforts: Dedicate your fitness efforts to God as an act of stewardship over your body.  Offer your workouts as a form of worship, expressing gratitude of the gift of health and life.

Community Support

  1. Join Faith-Based Groups: Participate in faith-based fitness groups or programs that align with your values.  These communities can provide encouragement, accountabilitiy and spiritual support.
  2. Seek Guidance from Spiritual Leaders: Consult with spiritual leaders or mentors in the faith who can provide guidance and support in aligning your fitness journey with your faith.

Overcoming Temptations & Challenges

Addressing Temptations

Sanguines may face temptations that hinder their progress, such as overindulgence or laziness.  Here are ways to overcome these challenges:

  1. Develop Self-Discipline: Cultivate self-discipline by setting clear boundaries and goals.  Practice small acts of self-control in daily life to strengthen your abilit yto resist temptation.
  2. Reflect on Your Motivations: Regularly reflect on your motivations for improving body image and fitness.  Align these goals with your values and spiritual beliefs to maintain focus and commitment.
  3. Practice Moderation: Adopt a balanced appraoch to pleasure and discipline.  Enjoy life’s pleasures responsibly, ensuring they do not compromise your physical health or spiritual well-being.


Building Resilience

  1. Learn from Setbacks: View setbacks as opportunies for growth rather than failures.  Analyze what went wrong, and develop some strategies to avoid similar situations in the future.
  2. Cultivate Patience: Understand that change takes time and effort.  Cultivate patience and perseverance, trusting that your efforts will bear fruit in due course.
  3. Celebrate Progress: Acknowledge and celebrate your achievements, no matter how small.  Recognizing progress can boost motivation and reinforce positive behaviors.


For those with a sanguine temperament, overcoming body image and fitness challenges involves a harmonious blend of faith, self-awareness, and practical strategies.  By embracing their unique qualities, focusing on innue virtues, and integrating spiritual practices, sanguines can achieve a healthier more balanced approach to self-image and fitness.  Through persistence, community support, and a commitment to self-discipline they can honor their bodies as temples of the Holy Spirit, reflecting the beauty and joy that God intended for them.

By integrating faith and practical approaches, sanguines can embrace a healthier lifestyle that reflects their trute identity and values.


Further Reading/Learning

The Four Temperaments Rev. Conrad Hock

The Metanoia Catholic Temperaments Assessment– Find out what your temperament is here!