Celebrating Humanity: Reflections on the Olympic Spirit

by | Aug 5, 2024





Since I was a little girl, the Olympics have been a source of inspiration and awe for me.  Watching athletes from all over the world compete at the highest level has always felt like a celebration of human excellence.  The dedication, hard work, and resilience these athletes exhibit are qualities I aspired to develop myself, particularly during my high school years playing basketball and overcoming my own challenges off the court.


The Olympic Spirit

The opening ceremonies of the Olympics are a blend of sports and fine arts, creating a powerful narrative that highlights the host country’s culture and history.  As a Catholic anthropologist, historian and personal trainer, I find immense joy in witnessing these artistic expressions.  Each ceremony offers a unique cultural interpretation providing a glimpse into the values and traditions of the host nation.

For instance, the Beijing Olympics showcased the value of ancestry and historical continuity in Chines culture, while the 2012 London Olympics presented a dynamic narrative of Britain’s development.  These ceremonies have always aimed to honor the dignity of each individual while promoting a sense of unity among all nations.



The 2023 Paris Olympics: A Controversial Opening Ceremony

However, the execution of the opening ceremony for the 2024 Paris Olympics failed to meet these criteria.  In an attempt to respect the uniqueness of each individual, the ceremony included performances that many found offensive and disrespectful.  The portray of a threesome in the library skit, images of Marie Antoinette’s beheading, and a skit of drag queens portraying Dionysus were controversial elements that sparked significant backlash.

Cultural Sensitivity and Respect

As a Catholic mindset coach and personal trainer, I may have a particular sensitivity to representations that touch upon religious themes, Christian in ones for sure.  The Dionysus skit appeared to mock Leonardo da Vinci’s “The Last Supper.”  It was particularly troubling, as it lacked proper context and came off as blasphemous to many Christians.  This led to an appropriate uproar among Christians highlighting the need for greater respect in such global events.


    The Importance of Inclusivity and Tolerance

    The claimed goal of the Olympics is to promote inclusivity and tolerance, celebrating humanity’s collective ahievements while respecting the dignity of each individual.  When a segment of the population feels disrespected or marginalized, this goal in undermined.  The Paris opening ceremony failed in this regard, as it did not honor the values of all people, particularly those of the Christian faith.

    A Call to Action for Future Consideration

     It is crucial for future Olympic ceremonies to consider the diverse perspectives and values of all participants and viewers.  This means ensuring that artistic performances are contextually explained and that they honor the dignity and beliefs of all individuals regardless of religion, culture, or creed.  The lessons learned from the Paris opening ceremony should guild future events to avoid similar controversies and promote a trutly respectful celebration of humanity.




    The Olympics have always been a beacon of hope and unity for me, reflecting the best of what we can achieve as a global community.  By learning from past experiences and striving for greater cultural sensitivity, we can ensure that the Olympics continue to inspire and unity people from all walks of life.  Moving forward, lets continue celebrating athletic excellence and the human spirit.