Catholic Fitness Coaching With Marty Langlois

“I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.”
Philippians 3:14

Has anyone ever told you that with God’s grace you can overcome your injuries, struggles and setbacks in your fitness journey?  You can! 

With a lifelong journey as a practicing Catholic and integrating it with my own fitness journey, I’ve learned key teachings in our Bible, the Catechism, and Theology of the Body that are going to empower you to find that motivation to workout, develop healthy habits around food and live in confidence in how God created you and your body.

I want to help you overcome your trials and errors in the midst of your own fitness comeback story.

If you’re frustrated with aches in pains from previous injuries; if you’ve trying to get back into shape; if you’ve struggled to love the person you see in the mirror; if these struggles are affecting your ability to live and enjoy life, it’s time to tap into God’s grace and start living a healthy, holy, and happy life.  I am here to help you!

Let’s GO

Get IN Shape

Marty Langlois Working Out

Real Work. Real Results.

Achieve Body Harmony

Did you know that when God created you, He gave you a body and soul? It is okay to want a faithful, fit, and happy lifestyle. It is also possible to come back from an injury and accomplish all three.

Desire Holy Wellness

While you may not be able to change the circumstances of your injuries, interior wounds, and setbacks, you can change how you approach them. Ditch the lies of the enemy, the misery of diet fads and overwhelming workouts by relying on God’s grace, changing your mindset, and rebuilding your body from the inside out.

Grow in Virtue

You are made for a life of joy. Ultimately your fitness journey will lead you to a stronger relationship with Christ through healing, prayer and action.

What can the Body Re-Building system do for you?

You Can Learn


How to bring your desires for a healthy and fit body to God.


How to pursue you goals while growing closer to God.


Acquire the fuel you need to live the call God has for you.


Realize the good, true and beauty of your body.


Practice a life of virtue.


Live your best life as a Catholic!

Why “Rebuild the Body”

The Rebuild Fit Method

Make your own fitness come back story become a reality

Brain Clipart

Take Charge of Your Thoughts

Gain mastery over the battleground of your mind as you unpack why you think and you can’t overcome your injuries, inner wounds, and setbacks.

Align Your Fitness Goals With God

Walk in the footsteps of the saints by developing the virtues that allow God’s grace to heal you and put your back together, body and soul.

Change Your Habits

Learn how to stop your negative thoughts about your broken body, poor habits, and become healthy, holy, and happy again.

About Marty

Becoming The Catholic Fitness Coach

In 2019 I had a stroke three weeks after my daughter was born. This resulted in paralysis on my right side requiring medical attention and thorough rehab with physical therapy and occupational therapy to bounce back. It took 6 months to regain strength and mobility in my right side. I even had to learn how to write again. This experience helped me to find my unique calling in response to integration of the whole person, body and soul, through fitness. I worked with my own trainer who helped me get my body back to 90% of what was before the stroke. I ran my first post-stroke 5k in 2023 and placed second in my age group. This journey confirmed my belief that nothing is impossible with God.

And then I became The Catholic Fitness Coach. With my passion for the Catholic faith combined with a growing love for fitness I have been able to help others rebuild their bodies from the ground up and revitalize their lives from the inside out. In helping others return from their injuries, setbacks, and sin, they have improved their overall quality of life, enabling them to live the holy, healthy, and happy life they’ve longed for and God has been wanting for them too.

what They’re Saying

Client Testimonials

Marty has a calming and pleasant energy. She helped me find ways to relax  and slow down my New York speed.


My time with Marty as the Catholic Fitness Coach was amazing!  I love how she met me where I was and how knowledgeable she is.  She worked hard to understand my obstacles and work around them.  She understands fully the need for full integration of our minds, bodies, and souls when it comes to our health and wellbeing.  Marty is an amazing coach and you will be doing yourself a huge favor to invest in yourself and bring her onboard your health journey and team.


Marty is so passionate, positive and wants to make the most out of the your time. She is really encouraging and willing to help.


Start Here!

Reach out to Marty Langlois, for guidance on your own comeback story towards a faithful, fit, and happy lifestyle.